When it comes to choosing the right wedding gift, it can be uncharted territory, especially when it is for somebody close to you. It can be tricky knowing what gift will be appropriate and well-received. However, you don’t need to stress about searching the store aisles for the perfect gift because we will be discussing the correct steps to follow. In this blog, we will guide you through everything related to purchasing gifts for a wedding.
A Wedding Gift or Bridal Shower Gift..?
The answer is yes. Wedding etiquette expects to buy for both the wedding day and bridal shower. If you are on a tight budget, the 70/30 rule will bust you out of an awkward situation. You would set 70% of your budget for the wedding day gift, and the 30% would be for the bridal shower gift. It is beneficial first to identify how much you can contribute before buying anything.

The Bride, Groom, or Both?
Once again, the answer is yes. For the bridal shower, you need to buy a gift for the bride only. However, you should purchase a wedding gift for the newlywed couple when it comes to the wedding ceremony. You can figure out what type of gift to get them by looking at their wedding gift registry and sometimes bridal shower. The newlywed couple usually gives the guests a good idea of what they will need in their new life. Even though you don’t need to buy something off the list, it is an expectation. If all in doubt, the best thing is to ask the bride what they need straightforwardly.
A Gift from the Registry
You might wonder if you need to buy a gift from the registry, and the answer is no—most people who buy a gift purchase something meaningful. Finding a gift from the registry can be expensive, but a gift from the heart is always well received. When you purchase anything last minute, it can be very stressful and difficult to find. Other guests might get to the gift registry early and steal budget-friendly gifts. It is recommended to purchase a wedding gift early.

Gifts, Gifts, Gifts
The gift registry is the best place to find what to get for the bride and groom. However, sometimes there is no registry set up, and you have no clue what to purchase. There are two approaches to find the best gift for the couple. First, ask them what they want or need for their new life together. It removes any surprise aspect from the situation and ensures that your money is well spent. The second option is to search for something the bride might want in her new life. Items like a charcuterie board, glassware, art, or any home-related goods would be perfect.
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