A wedding invite is much more involved than invitations for other parties. It can be a little overwhelming on first glance to figure out what parts of an invitation you actually need. Here’s a rundown of some essential wedding enclosures that you may want included in your invitation design.
Invitation Belly Band
You’ll undoubtedly have many separate paper enclosures within your wedding invitation that your guests will need to keep up with. A belly band keeps all of these paper items neat and organized by holding them securely together. It’s usually embellished with the couple’s name or initials, but it’s really up to you.
Map Card
Even in this day and age of GPS technology, it’s still a good idea to include a map card for your guests. You never know if someone’s phone may lose service or run out of a charge. A paper map is helpful backup for your guests to have.
Accommodations Card

If you have negotiated a special hotel rate for your guests, you may want to include that information on a separate accommodations card. The nightly rate, hotel phone number and any other pertinent information can be included on this wedding invite enclosure. If you have a block of hotel rooms that receive a special rate you will need to include instructions on how your guest can receive the discount price.
Response/RSVP Card
“It can be a little overwhelming on first glance to figure out what parts of an invitation you actually need. “
This is probably the most important part of the invitation. You need an accurate count of who will be attending. Your response card should clearly list the number of guests invited and a deadline for replying. The response card envelope should already be filled out with your return address and appropriate postage to make it as easy as possible for your guests to RSVP. If your guests have a meal choice, this is also included on the RSVP card.
Reception Card
A reception card is helpful if the wedding and reception are held in two different places. This will include the name and address of the reception venue and possibly a map, if you prefer. Don’t forget to put the time! You can state “immediately following the wedding ceremony,” or if there will be a bit of lag time due to photos or other events let your guests know by putting an exact reception time.

With so many different styles to customize your invitations, you will surely find the ideal combination that expresses your soon-to-be union. Visit our website to see the many styles and formats of elegant wedding invitations we have to offer.